Excl. taxes, VAT not applicable - article 293 B of the CGI (French General Tax Code)
These rates apply to both live and animation.
Continuity script presentation standard: 1 page/mn.
SYNOPSIS (up to 15 pages, then $10/page plus up to 20 pages)
Feature film, TV movie: $180
TREATMENT (up to 35 pages, then $10/page more)
Feature film, TV movie: $250
Up to 30 pages, without continuity script : $230
Bible (max. 30 p.) with continuity script pilot :
Pilot (1 to 15 mn): $280
Pilot (26mn): $330
Pilot (52mn): $380
Short film (1 to 15 mn) : $120
Short film (16 to 30 mn): $160
Short series episode (1 to 15 mn) : $120
Series episode (26mn): $160
Series episode (52mn): $200
Feature film, TV movie (90mn): $250
Feature film, TV movie (91 to 120mn): $290
SYNOPSIS (up to 15 pages, then $10/page plus up to 20 pages)
Feature film, TV movie: $350
TREATMENT (up to 35 pages, then $10/page more)
Feature film, TV movie: $500
Up to 30 pages, without continuity script : $500
Bible (max. 30 p.) with continuity script pilot
Pilot (1 to 15 min.): $600
Pilot (26 min.): $650
Pilot (52 min.): $700
Short film (1 to 15 mn) : $300
Short film (16 to 30mn): $350
Series episode (26mn): $350
Series episode (52mn): $400
Feature film, TV movie (90mn): $500
Feature film, TV movie (91 to 120mn): $550
Information or quote on request
© Skycraft studios
Milestones for mission
Hello Mrs/Mr. Scriptwriter. Our mission is to make your project perfect, or close to it. Your quote will be sent to you with a description and price list of the service you require. If you request it, you will also receive my references (CEEA diploma, mention from the french CNC).
I send you a signed confidentiality agreement in which I undertake not to exploit your work or divulge any part of it either in writing or verbally. Top Secret.
You send me the object of the assignment: your synopsis, treatment, continuity script, series bible, without accompanying it with a note of intent, in order to preserve my external perspective. I do an initial reading of your project.
Pre-consultation: we talk together about your project (45 minutes for an analysis, 1 to 1.30 hours for a script-doctoring). If you wish, you can also send me a note of intent. At the end of this pre-consultation, if you agree to continue the mission together, I'll send you my bank details and an invoice for payment. You have the option of paying for the entire service or half, before paying the other half at a later date, after delivery of the completed work.
Once payment has been received, I do a second in-depth reading of your project. I write the analysis (five to seven working days depending on the project) or the script-doctoring (ten to twenty working days depending on the project), then send it to you. These delays are necessary for me to take the time to reflect on your project, to mature and write a quality report in order to successfully complete the mission.
You take note of the analysis or script-doctoring.
Consultation/debriefing: we discuss your project (1 hour 30 minutes for an analysis, 4 hours for a script-doctoring).

© Bryan Wallace
Get in touch

Even the best writers sometimes need a helping hand, an informed opinion, a direction. Scriptdoctor Pro is your tailor-made solution to write the best version of your screenplay in English, Spanish, French.
+33 751 139 087
© Andraz Lazic

French Siret company : 933 137 192 00011
